Girls Inc. of Pinellas exploring marine life as well as future careers

From ABC Action News

CLEARWATER, Fla. — Girls Inc. of Pinellas is always trying to push their students to explore careers that may not have been traditional for women or minorities. This week they took a trip to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

“So they are understanding what it means if you throw plastic in the water and what it means to the animals they are viewing today,” said Director of Programming for Girls Inc. Lisa Mitchell.

Throughout the summer the girls have been learning about marine biology, but this week they actually got close enough to say hi to their favorite animals.

The non-profit organization took 80 girls to the aquarium, many of whom are visiting for the first time.

“A lot of these girls who come to us don’t get to explore,” said Mitchell. “Our parents are extremely grateful, a lot of them lost their jobs over the pandemic, some still aren’t back to work.”

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