There is strength in numbers.

Join the movement today to end sexual harassment and violence among young people and build a safer, more equitable society. Sexual harassment and violence is an epidemic and it starts at a young age.

Show your commitment to end sexual harassment and violence among youth by signing the pledge. Together, with your support, we can create a culture where everyone is respected and valued.


Read the pledge agreements below to see how you can make an impact against sexual harassment and violence.

  • I believe that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • I commit to changing the ways our culture perpetuates violence against women and girls.
  • I will respect others and honor their right to say no.
  • I will not accept sexual harassment and violence as part of growing up.
  • I will reflect on my own beliefs and behaviors related to gender and sex and challenge others to do the same.
  • I will take action to prevent and respond to sexual harassment and violence and support survivors.

By Submitting this form, I confirm that I am 13 years old or older and consent to receive communications including text messages from Girls Inc.